Private Client Wealth Management

At High Rock’s Private Client division, we manage money for individuals, families, professional and private corporations on a Separately Managed Account (SMA) basis. This means that it is your account, and they are always your securities. High Rock Capital manages investments in your account on a discretionary basis as set out in your unique investment strategy. Your account is held at Raymond James Correspondent Services (the Custodian for holding our securities and providing trade settlements and tax reporting etc.) with all the safety of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF).
  1. We start with a Wealth Forecast to drill down to where you are today and where you want to be in the future.This keeps you on target and, importantly, gives us a good indication of how much risk you need to take to meet your future goals
  2. Then we invest your capital in a mix of our three Models to best meet your future goals.


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Private Client Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I go to find out information about protecting myself from Phishing and other fraudulent activity?

Proof of enrollment from the Educational Institution of choice ie: a copy of your invoice including your term of enrollment (course breakdown).

TFSA funds can be used for contribution to your RSP but not directly. You must withdraw the TFSA funds to a cash account, and then have them contributed to the RSP from there.

Tax slips and Realized Gain/Loss information will be distributed by Raymond James according to the annual CRA Feb 28 th and March 31 st deadlines. If you have chosen to receive your account distributions electronically you will find your tax slips through your online account access.

Yes, Funds can be sent through the online bill payment with your bank using the payee: Raymond James and your HRCMI account number.

Yes, HRCMI will set you up for automatic funds transfers to your bank account on a request or recurring basis.

Once you provide High Rock Capital (HRCMI) with your latest investment statement from the delivering institution HRCMI will prepare the required documentation for your signature and initiate the transfer.