New Look Website

Welcome to our new and improved website and the new home for our blogs and videos. As you may recall, we are big on communication with our clients, prospective clients, friends and perhaps just browsers who happen across High Rock’s messages and like what they see.

Our regular readers know that we are not stock market “cheerleaders” or advisors wishing to sell you on the next great “shiny object” that may distract you and take you away from your long-term goals with some “get rich quick” idea. Anyone seen one of those lately?

In fact, our new clients are coming to us because they were frustrated with a “one-size-fits-all” type of investment strategy. They were concerned that they did not have a tailored wealth management solution. They were tired of not understanding their fees and costs and were worried about their former advisors conflicts of interest and motivation.

We believe that every family has their very own and very distinct long-term objectives that requires a Wealth Forecast to point them in the right direction, followed up with an equally specific investment strategy designed to get them to their goals. This requires regular monitoring and when necessary, updating.

We have a legal fiduciary duty to our clients, so we own, in our (Paul and my) portfolios, the exact same assets as our clients (eating our own cooking, so to speak) always putting their interests ahead of our own.

We always manage risk first, knowing that solid long-term returns will follow when we are able to mitigate the downside in difficult financial markets. This allows us to get back to growth with a minimal amount of catch-up time required. The 2020 experience being an excellent example of that.

Our fees (and all costs for investing) are simple and transparent.

Our partners at Raymond James Correspondent Services custody our client accounts and provide them with all the safety and security necessary to safeguard their money (Canadian Investor Protection Fund, CIPF). We simply (and independently) manage the assets and asset allocation for our clients.

So have a look around the new site, let us know what you think and feel free to pass it on to anyone that you know who might like to be introduced to a client experience that may just actually be different and better.